Board Meeting Minutes
Board Minutes 10/13/2023
Members present: Dennis Keatley – Allamakee, Dan Trelka – Blackhawk, Ken Kammeyer – Bremer, John Kurtz - Buchanan, Rusty Eddy – Butler, Casey Callanan – Cerro Gordo, Travis Suckow – Chickasaw, Steve Doeppke -Clayton, Pete Bushman – Delaware, Ann McDonough – Dubuque, Jeff Bun – Fayette, Vic VandeHaar – Grundy, Pat Murray – Howard, Frank Magsamen – Ex-Official
Members absent: - Mitchell, - Winneshiek, - AT -Large
1. Rusty Eddy called meeting to order 9:59 a.m. with quorum present and via Zoom.
2. It was moved by Pat M. seconded by Steve D. to approve previous minutes from April’s meeting
3. It was moved by Dan T. seconded by Vic V. to throw out pages 8 & 9 and use pages 5 & 6
4. Public Comment - None
5. Reports from Secretary/Treasurer
5.1 Financial Report as of 6/30/2023 close out FY23: Sam reported on the FY23 close out and that the report seems off due to the building purchases and construction costs of Brownstone and the building not being open to bring in revenue. Ann M. inquired about mental health providers salary costs being recovered by the counties. Sam informed of the efforts being made with CSS. It was moved to close out FY23 by Pat M. seconded by Ann M. to approve FY23 financial report,
5.2 Financial Report as of 9/30/2023 FY24 Sam had the board look over the finances for FY24 1st qtr. Question from Frank about getting legislation involved in recovering MCO outstanding balances. Ann asked for an email in regards to the MCO behind amounts so that she could follow up with her regions legislative team. No other questions. It was moved to approve the quarter by Dennis K. and seconded by Pete B.
6.0 Committee Reports
6.1 Detention Report – Val informed the board of her upcoming retirement before going into her report for the detention center. Val reported on daily averages and units as well as any incidents for the juveniles in detention. She also reported on the transportation, GPS, and tracking and monitoring services. It was moved by John K. seconded by Vic V.
6.2 Crisis Report – Trinette reported on the stats for daily averages and units as well as any incidents for the crisis unit and how the crisis unit is doing well. It was moved by Pat M. seconded by Dennis K.
6.3 Subacute Report - Luke reported on subacute stats for daily averages and units as well as an incident that resulted in damages to company and staff vehicles. It was moved by Travis S. and seconded by John K.
6.4 Brownstone Report – Brittany reported on stats for Brownstone for the daily averages and units and the increase in getting clients as the word gets out. Frank M. asked about who can refer youth Brittany explained the many avenues by which a youth can be referred. Ann M. asked about Brownstone putting together a presentation for ECR. Moved by John K. seconded by Steve D.
6.5 Budget & Finance – a) Sam reported on the proposed budget on how much each area might bring in and how much things may cost. Question from John K. about how it is figured for each county and how it is billed. Sam explained how it is sort of a guess based on previous years and that the county is only billed or the bed days that are used. Ann M. express a desire to have the budget approval wait until the corrected numbers were put onto the previously dismissed pages 8 & 9. It was explained that the correct numbers are on 5 & 6. Motion to move on budget by Patt M. seconded by John K. motion carried with one Nay from Ann M. – Dubuque.
7.0 Review of Claims for July, August, & September Sam asked that the board look over the claims asked for questions none were asked Moved Ann M. seconded by Pete B.
8.0 Any other business – Frank let everybody know about the upcoming open house for Elevates new apartments On Wednesday the 18th at 10 a.m. at 619 Mulberry. Pete B. inquired how staffing is going? Sam explained that some more staff have been hired but it is still an ongoing process to get staffing number up.
9.0 Establish time and date of the next meeting was set for January 19th 2024 at 10 a.m.
10.0 Adjournment 11:00 moved by Steve D. seconded by John K.
Board Minutes 04/19/2024
Members present: Dennis Keatley – Allamakee, Ken Kammeyer – Bremer, John Kurtz - Buchanan, Rusty Eddy – Butler, Casey Callanan – Cerro Gordo, Travis Suckow – Chickasaw, Steve Doeppke -Clayton, Pete Buschman – Delaware, Ann McDonough – Dubuque, Vic VandeHaar – Grundy, Pat Murray – Howard, Frank Magsamen – Ex-Official, Mark Faldet - Winneshiek
Members absent: Jim Wherry - Mitchell, Dan Trelka – Blackhawk, Jeff Bun – Fayette, Tony Thompson – At- Large
R. Eddy called meeting to order 10:05 a.m. with quorum present and via Zoom.
2.0 It was moved by P. Buschman seconded by S. Doeppke to approve previous minutes from October 13, 2023 meeting
3.0 It was moved by P. Murray to approve the agenda Seconded by T. Suckow
4.0 Public Comment - None
5.0 C. Johnson explained the financial, expense, and revenue reports from 10/1/2023-3/31/2024. S. Hudson explained the reason for the large outstanding balance and the issues with IME and MCO’s Motion to approve financial reports J. Kurtz seconded by K. Kammeyer
6.0 Committee Reports
6.1 Detention Report – M. Meyerhoff gave a run down of the stats and the detention report including GPS. Moved to approve Detention Report P. Murray seconded A. McDonough
6.2 Crisis Report – T. White reported on the stats for daily averages and units as well as any incidents for the crisis unit and how the crisis unit and access are doing very well. It was moved by P. Buschman seconded by M. Faldet
6.3 Subacute Report – L. Lacina reported on subacute stats for daily averages and units as well as an incident that resulted in client being removed from facility. It was moved by D. Keatley and seconded by M. Faldet
6.4 Brownstone Report – B. Davie reported on stats for Brownstone for the daily averages and units and the increase in clients. B. Davie explained some issues with longer term clients and the expressed the need to budget for craft supplies. Moved by M. Faldet seconded by K. Kammeyer
6.5 Budget & Finance – a) S. Hudson reported on the proposed FY25 budget. Answered questions about the new budget proposal. Motion to move on budget with a redo of the adult programs to be brought to the June board meeting by P. Buschman seconded by M. Faldet
6.5 b) Raises for FY25 budget and finance committee agreed to 4% Moved by P. Buschman seconded by M. Faldet
6.6 Personnel – Proposal for reorganization. S. Hudson expressed his intention of retiring in 3.5 years and wanting to start training a replacement. As well as restructure the program coordinators and add a part time HR to help facilitate with FMLA and insurance needs. P. Buschman comment that he is appreciative of all that S. Hudson has put into the company and the satisfaction of his performance. Moved by P. Buschman seconded by P. Murray
7.0 Review of Claims for October 2023 – March 2024 S. Hudson asked that the board review the claims and asked for any questions. Answered questions pertaining to claims. Moved P. Murray seconded by T. Suckow
8.0 a) Adult holds for member counties. If the beds are full, we will move over bed counties to make room.
8.0 b) CSS support for BYS, ACSC, NIEMHS discussed the support documentation that we provided to CSS and restated that we will have to resubmit for the adult programs along with some general asks like a new vehicle and generator for BYS.
8.0 c) Submitted 28E Agreement for the board to look over and have the auditors look at
8.0 d) Voting for new board positions
Chair - Motion for A. McDonough by P. Murray seconded by P. Buschman
Vice Chair – Motion for R. Eddy by V. VandeHaar seconded by P. Buschman
Secretary – Motion to keep V. VandeHaar by M. Faldet seconded by D. Keatley
Personnel Committee - K. Kammeyer, R. Eddy, F. Magsamen & A. McDonough
Program Committee – K. Kammeyer & S. Doeppke
Building Committee – P. Murray & C. Callanan
Budget Committee – A. McDonough & V. VandeHaar
S. Hudson expressed Terrance Campbell Chief 1st District Juvenile Court’s interest in joining the board At-Large A. McDonough asked if he can vote. NIJDS will look into bylaws to answer for certain.
P. Buschman informed board that he is not running for reelection and will be done in December. Moved to approve new board seats and committee C. Callanan seconded by M. Faldet
9.0 Establish time and date of the next meeting was set for June 21st 2024 at 10 a.m.
10.0 Adjournment 11:35 moved by S. Doeppke seconded by M. Faldet
Board Minutes 06/21/2024
Members present: Ken Kammeyer – Bremer, John Kurtz - Buchanan, Rusty Eddy – Butler, Casey Callanan – Cerro Gordo, Pete Buschman – Delaware, Ann McDonough – Dubuque, Vic VandeHaar – Grundy, Pat Murray – Howard, Jim Wherry - Mitchell,
Members absent: Dennis Keatley – Allamakee, Dan Trelka – Blackhawk, Travis Suckow – Chickasaw, Steve Doeppke -Clayton, Jeff Bun – Fayette, Mark Faldet – Winneshiek, Tony Thompson – At- Large, Frank Magsamen – Ex-Official,
A. McDonough called meeting to order 10:02
2.0 Need to change date on previous meeting minutes moved to approve minutes with date change K. Kammeyer 2nd P. Murray
3.0 It was moved by V. VandeHaar to approve the agenda 2nd J. Kurtz
4.0 Public Comment - None
5.0 C. Johnson discussed financial report and explained issues with MCO outstanding balances for Subacute Program the and recovery efforts. A Lacina brought up option of moving some Subacute Beds to crisis beds. R. Eddy discussed overall state issues w/ managed care. A. McDonough discussed ideas Subacute to billing regions moving some of the financial burden to the regions to handle the fight with MCO. A. McDonough also requested a snap shot of what FY23 looked like financially with Subacute and MCO’s Motion to approve financial report P. Murray 2nd K. Kammeyer
6.0 Committee Reports
6.1 Detention Report – M. Meyerhoff gave a run down of the stats and the detention report including GPS. Moved to approve Detention Report J. Kurtz 2nd K. Kammeyer
6.2 Crisis Report – T. White reported on the stats for daily averages and units as well as any incidents for the crisis unit and how the crisis unit and access are doing very well. It was moved by P. Murray 2nd J. Kurtz
6.3 Subacute Report – L. Lacina reported on subacute stats for daily averages and the staff getting recertified in CPR 1st Aid. It was moved by R. Eddy 2nd by K. Kammeyer
6.4 Brownstone Report – B. Davie reported on stats for Brownstone for the daily averages and units and the drop-in clients for the summer. Mentioned that it is Brownstone’s 1 year anniversary. Moved by J. Kurtz 2nd by P. Murray
6.5 Budget & Finance – a) S. Hudson reported on the proposed FY25 budget. Answered questions about the new budget proposal. A. McDonough discussed possibility of an operational loan revisit in the fall. Motion to Approve FY25 Budget K. Kammeyer 2nd P. Murray
7.0 Review of Claims for April & May 2024 A couple of large quarterly expenses came out in May and we required a new lawn mower creating higher expenses for the month. Motion to approve claims report K. Kammeyer 2nd P. Murray
8.0 a) Discussion as a board about changing how we manage adult hold having new members of the 28E Agreement and the pro’s & Con’s No Action Needed
8.0 b) CSS support for Brownstone supporting 7 beds days allowing for the program to add full time staff for consistency in care. CSS also funding many upcoming projects to Brownstone and the Adult Units
8.0 c) Went over current rate sheet
8.0 d) Q&A adding new county members to detention
9.0 Establish time and date of the next meeting was set for August 16th 10am & the Building and Ground Committee meeting at 9:30
10.0 Adjournment 11:15 moved by J. Kurtz 2nd K. Kammeyer